Sunday, 2 November 2014

What is batik painting?

Here's a little info I got while doing research on batik painting;
Batik painting is a way to make decorations in dyed fabric. 
In Batik painting, hot wax or paraffine is carefully drawn on the fabric. The wax should be fluid when hot, and stiff when cooled down, much like candlewax. When you dye the fabric (in water with cold-water dye), the colors won't go in the fabric areas that are waxed in. 
I think it's an Indonesian technique. 
Applying the wax is done with a "yanting", a sort of pen made of copper, in which there's a reservoir for the hot wax, and from there a little pipe with which you can draw very fine lines of hot wax on the fabric. 

One can wax and dye in several layers, in colors that match. One starts dying with the lightest color, then let the fabric dry, apply a new coat of wax, do the second dye etc.
The stiff wax can be removed by ironing the fabric, the fabric placed between sheets of tissue. Sometimes this is done in between as well, depending on the design.

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